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Special Education

DCSD Special Education Mission

Our mission for each student with diverse learning needs and abilities within Davenport Community School District (DCSD) is to grow excellence by providing an education that is supportive and inclusive of their strengths and learning needs that require an individualized education program (IEP). Creating and maintaining environments that are responsive to the academic, social and emotional needs of all students is a priority for ensuring that students supported with an IEP can be provided a free and appropriate education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Through collaboration with members of the IEP team (e.g., parents, caregivers, teachers, administration), plans are developed with consideration for the continuum of services that will ensure the least restrictive environment.

SPED Service delivery plan

Links and Resources

Iowa Department of Education - Parent Information - Information focused on special education curated by the Iowa Department of Education for parents

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers Program - Information focused on the variety of waiver programs available through Iowa Health and Human Services

Iowa IDEA Information (i3) - Information focused on special education curated by the Statewide Area Education Agency System. A resource center for parents is included.

Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency (MBAEA) - AEA supporting Davenport Community School District with resources and staff directory information.

ASK Resource Center - a parent training, information, and advocacy center for families of children with special needs across the state of Iowa.

Eastern Iowa Mental Health and Disabilities Service Region - Resource center to access community based services for children and families.

Understood - Resource center to support those who learn or think differently can thrive in school, at work, and throughout life.

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services - Resource for families of students with disabilities to engage in career planning to find gainful employment.

Eligibility for Special Education Services 

Iowa school districts and AEA partners are required to identify, locate, and evaluate those learners suspected of having an educational disability. This process is referred to as Child Find. For more information regarding this process, please refer to MBAEA’s website

The Davenport Community School District Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a data-driven, problem solving process that provides each and every student core instruction, supplemental and intensive instruction and support  as well as extension opportunities. The purpose of MTSS is to prepare each and every student to be college, career, and citizenship ready. It can also be used to discern the needs of a student as part of the eligibility process. The Iowa MTSS framework is made up of five components.

  • Evidence-based curriculum and instruction provided at the universal level.
  • Universal screening of all students.
  • Evidence-based, instructional interventions at the targeted and intensive levels shall be provided to each student who needs them.
  • Progress monitoring for learners below expectations.
  • Data-based decision making throughout the system.

For more information regarding the MTSS framework, please refer to the link here.

DCSD Special Education Department

  • Courtney Olsen - Executive Director of Equity and Learning Supports
  • Aaron Roome - Director of Special Education
  • Lynn Koelker - Special Education Specialist
  • Krista Colberg - Special Education Specialist
  • Lisa Hawker - Special Education Specialist
  • Alyssa VanSpeybroeck - Special Education Specialist
  • Stacey Struck - Special Education Specialist
  • Amber Spiva - Special Education Behavior Specialist (Board Certified Behavior Analyst)
  • Beth Hawkinson - Special Education Behavior Specialist (Board Certified Behavior Analyst)

SPED Programming