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staff and students cut a ribbon infront of the new practice gym.
Davenport West High School Unveils $9.2 Million Athletic Facility Upgrades, Enhancing Student Opportunities

Davenport West High School recently unveiled its newly athletic facility addition with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, marking the completion of a $9.2 million construction and renovation project. The extensive upgrades, which wrapped up over the summer, include a new auxiliary gymnasium, renovated competition gymnasium, a new, modern weight room and wrestling room,  and additional practice spaces for basketball and volleyball.

News & Events

A Peek into Our District

English Learner Summer Learning Program

The English Learner Summer Learning Program has been busy this summer. Students have been fully engaged in immersive enrichment activities designed to strengthen their English language skills throughout the summer break.

From ordering at restaurants to enjoying movie outings and exploring the Figge, students across all grade levels have been actively participating and learning in real-world settings. These experiences not only enhance their language abilities but also build confidence in using English in everyday situations.

Find Out More about English Learner Summer Learning Program
West High Kids Summer Camp

Even during summer break, our students are always active. Davenport West High School hosted an action-packed 5-day kids camp for 2nd-7th grade boys and girls! Participants enjoyed exploring a variety of sports including tennis, soccer, track & field, football, swimming, wrestling, volleyball, basketball, baseball, and softball.

Find Out More about West High Kids Summer Camp
Show Choir Camp

Over 60 students from 20 QC schools kicked off summer at the show choir camp hosted by Davenport North High School, learning vocals and choreography in just 8 hours before an outstanding public performance!

Student volunteers from the North show choir assumed leadership positions to make it all possible: Two choreographers collaborated in creating and teaching all the dancing; counselors connected with campers, working in small groups to help them learn the show; General assistants helped organize and run the event behind the scenes; the PR team documented each day, preparing a slideshow to highlight all the fun had.

Find Out More about Show Choir Camp